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Americana Journeys - Where History and Ancestry JoinThis is an exploration of history, ancestry and the American experience, not through books and family trees, but through stories and travels to places and peoples of the Americana experience. Follow genealogical lines of extended families with unique pioneer stories from the coal mines of Wales and the devastations of European religious wars in Holland, and Germany and sailing ports of England to the prairie planes on the banks of the Illinois River, the Mormon Trail and Indian Nations. Here will be found genealogy and ancestry connections and stories as well as places to visit and see and do, because Americana is not to be found in history books, but on the living stage, sometimes buried under the urban landscape of later generations or in the lonely corner of an overgrown graveyard. Along the path of the settlement of the North American continent will be found historic railways, museums, old highways and byways and we migrated westward, through modes of transportation from canals and wagon trains to “Tin Lizzie” Model A Fords. This site is a tribute the emigrants who sought the Ameircana dream and an exploration and discovery of the history and experiences they left behind for us to enjoy. Recent Posts History Genealogy Journey Travel